Group A




Our favorite city was Veranassi which is a holy city on the Ganges.   These are some of my memories.

One of the activities that occurs on the Ganges is people washing clothes.  These are professional clothes washers going about their work.


People make pilgrimages to this Holy City.  Activity begins at sunrise.  Much of the activity occurs on steps constructed on the Ganges  These steps are called ghats.. This is the western shore and looks East to the rising sun. This is what makes this side of the river Holy.  This is a pilgrim lathering himself.   (People do not seem to mind poeple watching or photographing their religious ceremonies).


Another pilgrim does his ritual.  The cord-like structures are not artefacts.  Unfortunately I do not know what they mean.  If anyone does, e-mail me.

More ablutions

This is a temple in Sarnath which is close to Veranassi.  This is where Buddha got things going. 

This is a beggar  in Old Delhi



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