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Proprietor of one of the shops of the morning market,...
Display of items for sale, Takayama market. The bags are...
Vendor, Takayama market
This ia a manhole cover on the street, Takayama. Streets...
Vendor, Takayama morning market
Smiling vendor, Takayama morning market
Vendor slicing apples, Takayama morning market
A family which sells peeled apples wave to me, Takayama...
Note the bar of soap and the readily available water at...
Vendor taking a break, Takayama morning market
Vendor at Takayama morning market
Vendor at Takayama morning market
Vendor at Takayama morning market
Vendor at Takayama morning market
Lady strolling at the Takayama market

Total images: 67 | Last update: 7/7/07 11:06 AM | Generated by JAlbum 7.2 & Chameleon | Help