Maine 98




Cathy and I spend our summers in Maine,  Willie and Leigh attend

nearby camps:   Leigh at Camp Fernwood and Willie at Camp Wigwam.

All summers are great, but this one was special for me because I celebrated

my 60th birthday while in Maine and Cathy made a birthday party for me.

Several friends and family from  New England, New York, Canada and

Florida attended.  Here are some of the memories.                  


                  Above, my children Susan and David visited.



                      My good friend Seymour Silverberg visited   (above).

                      He is with my  wife Cathy (below).          





        These are some of the wonderful Maine views.



                                           And we do get to see some moose, too.



             This was Leigh's last year at camp,   This guy makes

             fabulous cookies among other goodies.



             This is Leigh.  She is returning from town with some

              supplies for the cook.



            And even my mother-in-law, Nan Laitman visited.



            This is Cathy's friend Ronnie.  They are both very excited.

            They just received $1.62 for bottle redemtions!


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